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  • Quiz Games for Adults are a hit. Are you playing?

Quiz Games for Adults are a hit. Are you playing?

Team Muqaabla    

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Quiz games for adults are engaging thousands of players across the country and there are cash prizes to be won

quiz games for adults

The KBC shows not only revived Amitabh Bacchan’s career, it also made quiz games for adults very popular in India. All of a sudden, quiz games for adults was a big thing. A lot of people were keen to answer questions and earn prize money. The winners on KBC became stars and household names.

The popularity of quiz games for adults spread among the masses with the advent of quiz games on mobile. Here, there were not just a few participants playing the game, but thousands of people spread all across the nation. With more and more people showing interest, the quiz games for adults have been giving out more lucrative cash prizes. This has hooked more people to such games.

Quiz games for adults in India have been an interesting area for brands.

These quiz games for adults are reaching out to a large population of adults across the country. The demographic is spread across different ages, income level and so on. Brands have figured out that they can leverage these quiz games for adults to reach out to a huge population of potential customers who could potentially be interested in their products and services.

Studies have shown that quiz games for adults are one of the most effective ways of brand promotion.

Brands could thus effectively ride on these quiz games to promote a product or service. This form of promotion would be non-intrusive and interesting for the customers. It would help a brand reach out to thousands or more of customers on their mobile phones.

There are several quiz games for adults in India which offer cash rewards as prize money. Loco is the most popular of these games and lets players win money daily by getting 10 answers correctly. BrainBaazi is another such popular quiz game. If there is more than one winner, the money is split equally among all the participating players.

Muqaabla, which is another quiz game for adults, is set for launch on 24 September 2018.

You can play Muqaabla from Monday to Friday. There will be 5 sessions everyday and players can win prize money in each session. In every session, a player starts with 10,000 points. You can pre-register for Muqaabla at muqaabla.com and get 1,000 extra bonus points to start off with. It is time to play!

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